The project consists in reviving a late 60s apartment conceived with the classic entrance-corridor onto which the individual rooms overlooked. The needs of the young couple of Clients are to have a comfortable living area well separated from the sleeping area for personal reasons of the owner. Given the aforementioned need, we completely eliminated what was the entrance and created a single open space for receiving guests, overlooked by the kitchen, the bathroom and a small service closet. The sleeping area remains almost unchanged for the distribution of the rooms with the sole exception of the closet which is given new life as a service bathroom. To let natural light reach inside these, a curvilinear concrete glass screen is created which overlooks the bedroom. The materials define the various rooms of the house: the natural oak parquet with planks up to 2.00 m in length is laid over the entire surface of the house with the exception of the bathrooms and kitchen. For the latter, a special terracotta flooring was chosen, called Litos, which has a pinkish colour. This type of coloring gives a modern twist to a material so dear to Florentine Renaissance architecture. The wall units and base units are designed by the designers. Of particular attention is the detail of the connection between the terracotta and the parquet at the entrance to the house, a slightly curvilinear line embraces the two types of floor and does not impose any primary axis inside the house. The last two notations are: a semi-circular column colored in glossy white enamel frames the glass door that divides the living area from the sleeping area, and upon entering the house it becomes its catalyst point. A bookcase made up of horizontal planks suspended from the wall (drawing by the designers) is the predominant furnishing element of the entire living area which, combined with suspended cable lighting, emphasizes its shapes.